
Dolphins Padstow – Always a thrilling experience

[su_video_lightbox image_url=”https://www.visitcornwall.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Padstow-Sea-Life-SG-550×318.jpg” alt_image=”Dolphins Padstow” video_title=”Dolphins at Padstow” video_url=”www.youtube.com/watch?v=IulQSX5CYS4″]

Dolphins Padstow

Dolphins Padstow : Dolphins are a common site off the coast of Cornwall and can be seen in many places. The Pods appear and disappear just as quickly.

This video is taken from one of the boats that run from taking visitors out from Padstow harbour. The harbour is only accessible at certain states of the tide and has lock gates that close either side of high tide. Boats entering the harbour have to cross the infamous “Doom Bar” a sand bar that crosses th estuary which has been the cause of many ships coming to grief. As well as boat trips there is a regular ferry service to the small village of Rock on the other side of the Camel Estuary.

Padstow of course is famous for its connections with Rick Stein the TV chef. It is a very popular destination for visitors who arrive by car bus and by bike having cycled along the Camel Trail which follows the river and an old mineral Tramway to the port.

Padstow Guides and Maps

Guide to Padstow Amazon

Amazon has an excellent selection of Books, Guides and Maps for Padstow

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