
King Edward Mine

[su_video_lightbox image_url=”https://www.visitcornwall.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/king-edward-mine-500×281.jpg” alt_image=”King Edward Mine” video_title=”King Edward Mine” video_url=”www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzcaIEwrSA4″]

King Edward Mine

The Mine was used by the Camborne School of Mines as a training centre for many years. The Mine site lies on the Great Flat Lode cycle trail which takes you through some of Cornwall’s most spectacular industrial landscapes.

We have a a video and more information on the King Edward Open Day here and yu can visit the King Edward Mine

Phone: 01209 614681

[su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#800000″ size=”2″] Cornwall History and Heritage

To read more about Cornwall’s history from the legends of King Arthur and early Celtic history to the fabulous wealth created during the mining boom.   Discover more Cornish engineers’ inventions and innovations in Steam engines and the emigration of skilled Cornish miners around the world. Discover  Cornwall’s maritime history from the fishing to the Packet ships of Falmouth and the Cable station to transmit messages around the empire.
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