- by Gordon
Storm watching Newquay Cornwall
[su_video_lightbox image_url=”https://www.visitcornwall.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/storm-watching-newquay-cornwall-500×281.jpg” alt_image=”Storm watching Newquay Cornwall” video_title=”Storm watching Newquay Cornwall” video_url=”www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCEYAHZA4G8″]Storm watching Newquay Cornwall
The combination of high spring tides, storm force winds and low pressure cause enormous waves to breach sea defences around the country in the winter of 2013. This video is taken at night at Town beach in Newquay and illustrates the force and power and what is really dangerous is the unpredictability of the waves heights, direction and force.
Taken on January 3rd 2014 the waves were crashing over the promenade and onto the Bluereef Sealife Centre. Spectators have to be very careful as several tons of water can very quickly sweep along a street or promenade.

Towan Beach in quieter times.
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